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ESD Training Courses

ESD and Training

Electrostatic discharge related failures continue to cost
electronics manufacturers many millions of dollars every year. The cost of a damaged wafer, die, component, or assembly might be only a few cents or could reach thousands of dollars. When failure happens in the field, multiply the costs by ten. ESD can impact production yields, product quality, reliability in the field, and customer satisfaction, and all of these affect your profitability. Current industry standards including
ANSI/ESD S20.20 call for an effective ESD control program that includes initial and recurrent ESD awareness training for all personnel who might come into contact with ESD sensitive items, and for the maintenance of complete training records. Everfeed Technology PTE Ltd is proud to partner with Automated Learning Corporation® to bring you a unique ESD training solution featuring the LearnTech® training.

Available Course Titles

Basic Advanced
ESD: An Introduction ESD: See It! Believe It! Control It!
ESD Control for Operators ESD Control Program Management
ESD: Field Service ESD: Class 0

Custom Tailor Your ESD Training:

ESDA Principles of ESD Control click on a title for more information

Complete Training System

LearnTech® ESD training products deliver a complete training system that includes:
State-of-the-art training content developed with ESD experts by learning professionals
A choice of delivery formats and options to meet your training needs
Available computer-automated course management and record keeping
LearnTech® Training Instructor/Supervisor Guides
Comprehensive certification testing to assure students have understood the content
LearnTech® Training course Evaluation surveys
LearnTech® ESD Practical Skills Checklist for Workplace Qualification – tailorable.
Support and documentation at the LearnTech® On-Line Customer Support Center
Technical Support via email and telephone

Testing and Certification

LearnTech® certification training incorporates interactive learning checks throughout the instructional sequences. Certification tests are criterion-referenced and module-based with feedback on every response for enhanced learning. Administrative access to dates and scores of tests, certifications, and re-certifications is compliant with S20.20 and ISO quality standards training requirements.
The LearnTech® system allows your ESD Experts to train, test, audit, verify and certify that students have understood, and can apply the training content.

Standards Compliant

LearnTech® ESD training course content complies with the ANSI/ESD S20.20 ESD control program guidelines as well as to JEDEC JESD625, and IEC 61340-5 standards.

Available Course Formats

Course formats include LAN and Web computer-delivery with some titles also available in
DVD Video.

Computer Delivery Options

Courses can be delivered over your network to any computer in your facility using either
LAN or Web formats. We offer automated registration, and complete training records can be securely maintained on your server.

Benefits include:
Automated registration, tracking, testing, certification – reduced administrative time
Flexible online access -"always available" 24x7 across shifts, departments, locations
Latest video and interactive multimedia technology – for interest, involvement and fun
Self-paced delivery – that improves the efficiency and effectiveness of learning
Individual on-demand training – no waiting for a class to be scheduled
Reduced language barriers for students – with text + audio + visual + review
Shorter student away-from-work training time – lowers training costs significantly
Reduced demand on your expert resources to deliver instruction on "the basics"
Compliance with ISO and industry standards for training and qualification records
Standardized training - consistent, accurate, reliable content every time
Convenient easy to use training - point and click to learn, it's that simple
High quality graphics, video and audio media - optimized for the delivery format
All courses available under a single license – mix and match flexibility
Customized content and corporate branding “look-and-feel” options are available

Corporate LAN–Based

ESD LAN Format Demo

LAN delivery is a scaleable computer-delivered solution that is appropriate for both small
and large organizations. Whether you have 10 or 10,000 learners, the LearnTech
system is your best buy. LAN delivery is ideal for organizations that do not have a corporate Learning management System (LMS) and includes integrated course management.

Courseware installed on your server, securely inside your firewall LearnTech® Automated Curriculum Manager (ACM) included at no additional cost ACM manages registration, course delivery and record keeping small client application automatically installs on each student workstation We ship the courses on disk with all necessary files for installation on your server. The
"server" can be any Window’s based computer or an existing Windows server on your LAN.

Corporate Web-Based Intranet

ESD Web-Training Demo

Many organizations today use a corporate LMS to manage registration, computer-course delivery and record keeping. LearnTech® Web-based Intranet delivery is a standards-compliant solution that works with your LMS to Deliver courses over your Intranet.

Courseware installed on your server, securely inside your firewall. Standard Web browser interface with Flash plugin on each student workstation Windows or Unix variants supported on student workstations Compatible with LMS industry standards (SCORM or AICC)
Your LMS manages registration, course delivery and records keeping
An engineering charge applies for LMS course integration

Corporate Hosted Web-Based Internet

ESD Web-Training Demo

Web format courses are also available as a hosted solution with no requirement to install
software on your server. Courses are hosted using a LearnTech
® server and LMS and are
delivered over the Internet. Students need only receive a user ID and password, so this
solution can be “up-and-running” in a very short time.

No requirement to install software on your server
Standard Web browser interface with Flash plugin on each student workstation
Can be accessed from any broadband Internet connected computer, even from home
Windows or Unix variants supported on student workstations
Hosted registration and records with available direct access for your administrator

Individual On-line Web-training

ESD Web-Training Demo

Web-training courses can also be purchased on-line for individual or small volume use. Both individuals and companies make use of this option when there is a limited requirement for training. Individuals receive user ID and password and hosted course access is via the Internet.

DVD Video ESD Training

Video training delivery is a convenient solution appropriate
for organizations that utilize instructor-led classroom
delivery. LearnTech®
ESD training videos are designed to
support planning and delivery of classroom courses, and are
also useful for individual training.
Ideal for instructor-led group presentation
Convenient as individual learning resources
Easy to use and designed for audience participation
Organized by chapters with discussion questions

These video ESD training courses are perfect for group
presentation. Your Instructor can choose to select
appropriate material by chapter and pause playback as onscreen
questions are asked. This provides an opportunity for
group participation and discussion, before the correct
answers are revealed.

Each ESD training video is a complete training system that allows your instructors to train,
test, verify, and certify that students have understood the content. Meets the
of ANSI/ESD S20.20.


For more information:
Please contact us at +65 6863 4011 or via email at

For secure automated on-line purchase click on the “Buy now” links:

Available Video Titles

ESD: An Introduction                                            Buy now online         Demo
ESD Control for Operators - Manufacturing Control     Buy now online         Demo
ESD Control for Operators - Personal Grounding        
Buy now online         Demo

Take advantage of the bundled set of three. Over 70 minutes of ESD video training plus
Instructor Bonus materials - and you save 30%!

ESD Training for Operators - Bundle of 3 courses        Buy now online
ESD: Field Service                                                
Buy now online         Demo
ESD: See It! Believe It! Control It!                           Buy now online         Demo

Bundled set of all five, Over 140 min. plus Instructor Bonus materials - you save 30%!
ESD All DVD Courses – Bundle of 5 courses
               Buy now online 

Each ESD video includes a bonus Instructor Resource disk with:

LearnTech® Video Training Instructor Guide
LearnTech® Video Training Course Evaluation Survey
LearnTech® Quiz Modifiable student format
LearnTech® Quiz Instructor Answer and Scoring Key
Practical Skills Checklist - ESD Control for Operators

Video delivery notes:

Best suited to instructor-led presentation with interactive group participation
Can be augmented with demonstrations and examples from the workplace
Requires only a DVD player and television for presentation
Does not Require LAN or Internet connection
Less interactive for individual delivery as compared to computer-formats
Does not include computer-automated registration, scheduling and record keeping
Certification testing is via paper-and-pencil and requires manual scoring and records

ESD Course Descriptions - Basic

ESD: An Introduction

Course code: ESDA
Delivery: LAN, Web, Video
Length: 1.5 hours
A comprehensive interactive multimedia learning program with certification for those who work with static sensitive devices. This course introduces the trainee to electrostatic discharge and is directed to assemblers and support personnel.

Course Content

How static electricity is generated from common actions
Two different types of damage caused by ESD
Problems and cost implications of ESD
Conditions most likely to cause uncontrolled ESD
Behavior of insulative, conductive, and dissipative materials
Causes and effects of polarization and induction
Function of ionization and humidity in ESD control
Function of grounding in ESD control


1. Introduction
2. What is ESD?


For Corporate LAN or Web options, or for more information:
Please contact us at +65 6863 4011 or via email at

For secure automated on-line purchase of this ESD training course:

ESD: An Introduction - individual web-training format:
Buy now online
ESD: An Introduction - video-course format:                            Buy now online 

ESD Control for Operators

Course code: ESDB
Delivery: LAN, Web, Video (2 DVDs)
Length: 1.5 hours
A comprehensive interactive multimedia learning program with certification for those who work with static sensitive devices. The training is directed to assemblers and support personnel.

Course Content

Conditions most likely to cause uncontrolled electrostatic discharge
Three types of ESD protective packaging
The use of ionization and topical antistats for static control
The impact of environmental factors on static charge
Function of ESD protective items in a protected area
Requirements of an ESD protective workstation
The correct use of ESD protective smocks, wrist straps, and footwear
Use of personal protection around high voltage hazards
Recommended ESD protective practices at workstations


1. ESD Controls
2. Personal Grounding


For Corporate LAN or Web options, or for more information:
Please contact us at +65 6863 4011 or via email at

For secure automated on-line purchase of this ESD training course:

ESD Control For Operators - individual web-training format:
Buy now online
ESD Control For Operators - Manufacturing controls - video format:  Buy now online
ESD Control For Operators – Personal Grounding - video format:        Buy now online

ESD: Field Service

Course code: EF
Delivery: LAN, Web, Video
Length: 1.5 hours
This course is intended for all field service technicians, service managers, and repair
personnel who handle ESD sensitive boards and devices outside of facilities that have
permanent ESD protective areas and systems.

Course Content

Characteristics of field service environments and ESD failures
Understanding ESD definition, threats, and prevention
Controlled grounding" as the preferred way to remove static electricity
Function and use of Items that should be in an ESD field service kit
The use of personal grounding devices in field service applications
Safe storage, transportation, and handling of circuit boards
Procedures for setting up a temporary ESDPA in the field
Appropriate grounding in a field service environment
Procedures for working inside the ESDPA in the field
Re-packaging of assemblies that have been removed during field service
Callbacks in field service and communication with the customer


1. Introduction
2. The ESD Field Kit
3. Setting up a Temporary ESDPS
4. Working Inside a Temporary ESDPA


For Corporate LAN or Web options, or for more information:
Please contact us at +65 6863 4011 or via email at

For secure automated on-line purchase of this ESD training course:

ESD: Field Service - individual web-training format:
             Buy now online
ESD: Field Service - video format:
                                    Buy now online

ESD Course Descriptions - Advanced

ESD: See It! Believe It! Control It!

Course code: ESD2
Delivery: LAN, Web, Video
Length: 2 hours
A comprehensive interactive multimedia learning program with certification for those who work with static sensitive devices. This course is directed toward engineers and technicians.

Course Content

What static electricity is, and how it is produced
How uncontrolled discharge can damage components and equipment
The Human Body Model (HBM) of ESD damage
Procedures for controlling Human Body model ESD
The Charged Device Model (CDM) of ESD damage
Procedures for controlling Charged Device Model ESD
Safe and unsafe practices in handling assemblies


1. Introduction
2. ESD: Human Body Model
3. HBM Control Procedures
4. ESD: Charged Device model
5. CDM Control Procedures


For Corporate LAN or Web options, or for more information:
Please contact us at +65 6863 4011 or via email at

For secure automated on-line purchase of this ESD training course:

ESD: See It! Believe It! Control It! - individual web-training format:
Buy now online
ESD: See It! Believe It! Control It! - video format DVD:                          Buy now online
ESD: See It! Believe It! Control It! - video format .wmv:                    Buy now online

ESD Control Program Management

Course code: ESM
Delivery: LAN, Web
Length: 2 hours
Intended for managers, supervisors, and ESD Coordinators

Course Content

The importance of the ESD control program
Seven key responsibilities of management
Responsibilities of the ESD Site Coordinator and supervisors in ensuring appropriate ESD practices within the facility

Overview of the key elements in an ESD control program
Personal grounding, environmental controls, and appropriate practices
Processes used to verify compliance with the ESD Control Program Plan, including the
audit process and records of compliance or deviation. Necessary steps to maintain a high level of ESD awareness and compliance


1. ESD Program Roles and Responsibilities
2. ESD Control Program Plan
3. ESD Audit Plan
4. ESD: Maintaining the Culture


For Corporate LAN or Web options, or for more information:
Please contact us at +65 6863 4011 or via email at
For secure automated on-line purchase of this ESD training course:

ESD Control Program Management - individual web-training format:
 Buy now online

ESD: Class Zero

Course code: ECZ
Delivery: LAN, Web
Length: 2 hours
For process engineers, quality personnel, technologists, managers, and senior operators
responsible for the development, management, and monitoring of Class Zero ESD control

Course Content

Industry trends driving increased use of highly sensitive ESD class 0 components
The leading cause of ESD failures in the electronics industry today
Critical factors in a total control system approach for ESD class Zero
The shift in thinking required about control methods for ESD class 0
The limitations of conventional ESD control methods, with examples
Examples of mitigation techniques to control ESD class zero risks
The key issue of Charged Device Model ESD failure for class 0
The critical change in ESD control design for class zero
Additional requirements of ESD control in a cleanroom environment
The impact of class 0 requirements on ESD audit metrics.
ESD metrics as management tools
Control program audit levels required for ESD class 0 readiness
A ten step process in manufacturing to become class zero ready
The time and effort required to develop a robust ESD class 0 system


1. Industry Trends
2. Class 0 Hazards
3. ESD Control Program Assessment
4. Class 0 and ESD control programs


For Corporate LAN or Web options, or for more information:
Please contact us at +65 6863 4011 or via email at
For secure automated on-line purchase of this ESD training course:

ESD: Class Zero - individual web-training format:
                          Buy now online

Custom Tailor Your ESD Training

ESDA Principles of ESD Control

Course code: ESO
Delivery: LAN
Length: 2 hours
An excellent introductory-level ESD training program with certification developed in partnership with the ESD
Association (ESDA). The course explains step-by-step the importance of controlling static in your workplace, how static occurs, and how to protect against discharge that can damage static-sensitive electronic components and assemblies. The course is ESDA approved and content can be custom-tailored to meet the specific requirements of your ESD S20.20 tailored control program. This comprehensive ESD course can benefit any front line personnel who must deal with ESD sensitive parts in the workplace, including operators, assemblers, and material handlers, as well as technicians, engineers, supervisors, and managers.

Custom Tailor Your ESD Training

Industry standards including ANSI/ESD S20.20 call for an effective ESD control program
that includes initial and recurrent ESD awareness training for all personnel who might come into contact with ESD sensitive items, and for the maintenance of complete training records. S20.20 also allows for the tailoring of your ESD control program to meet specific application needs.

ESDA Principles of ESD Control is a LAN computer-delivered program that not only meets
standards requirements for ESD training and training records, but also provides the
capability for you to custom tailor ESD training content to match your S20.20 tailored ESD
control program. Using a simple interface and a series of questions, your ESD experts are able to select appropriate content for your company location, consistent with your
procedures and training plan, and the course will deliver just that content, and the matching testing material. 

ESDA Principles of ESD Control

Course Content

How static electricity is generated from common actions
Two different types of damage caused by ESD
Conditions most likely to cause uncontrolled electrostatic discharge
Problems and cost implications of ESD damage
Common objects that present an ESD hazard
Types of ESD protective packaging
Use of ionization and topical antistats for static control
The impact of environmental factors on static charge
Function of ESD protective items in a protected area
Requirements of an ESD protective workstation
Correct use of ESD protective smocks, wrist straps, and footwear
When not to use personal protective devices
Recommended ESD protective practices at workstations


1. Introduction 3. ESD Protected Areas
2. Basic Science of ESD 4. Working Inside an EPA


For Corporate LAN option, or for more information:
Please contact us at +65 6863 4011 or via email at
ESD LAN Format Demo


What Users say about LearnTech® ESD Training

Curtiss-Wright Controls

“This method of training requires little preparative work on my part and can be delivered on demand, avoiding scheduling conflicts… training is always consistent. My classroom and
record keeping time is substantially reduced, allowing me to concentrate on surveillance,
problem solving and development of other training... This product [has] made my job as a
trainer and training coordinator much more rewarding.”

Intermec Technologies

“I ordered… ‘ESD Prevention for Operators’. It’s impact was, to say the least Amazing….As you know I have purchased the whole suite… My goal has been to utilize these resources as just in time and Just enough’ education in a manufacturing environment. Your Company has made me look like a ‘hero’ …LearnTech has become a vital part of my training…”


“It is the most complete and correct, at least in agreeing with Lucent's ESD program, that we have seen. The Education subcommittee has, therefore, recommended it to all of the ESD Leadership Team members who represent all Lucent Technologies locations.”

“Thank You for helping me provide our installers with such important and thorough
information on ESD. Our company and our customers are the beneficiaries of the
informative courses you provide.”

Raven Industries

“Thanks for being so helpful yesterday. I really enjoy working with you. We are using your ESD course to fulfill our requirement for ESD training. This has worked wonderfully for new hires...They are able to sit down and take the course on their first day of employment...… thank you for the Class 0 information…we have product in our pipeline that uses Class 0 components. Thanks to you I was able to provide information and education on this topic.


“With the recent purchase of the ‘ESD Prevention for Operators’, I have increased the
availability I have needed for training people with various schedules, and decreased the
amount of time it takes to train them. This has saved my company time, money, and most importantly, … individuals that have received the training are educated and up-to-date.”

Sigmapoint Technologies

“Automated Learning is the heart of SigmaPoint's training program. The easy to use
computerized format allows for both individual training and blended learning sessions. The computerized records make record retention a breeze.”

Download the ESD Training Courses brochure 



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